Thank you very much, honourable members of Parliament and ladies and gentlemen. I am humbled to be here before you today.
I would like to give you a bit of background on myself. I'm the president of a small charity that's building and operating schools in Sierra Leone. I'm also the president and CEO of a mining company that has investments in North America and South America, and although I've been recognized as one of the top 40 under 40 in Canada for my business achievements, most people don't know that my business career actually almost never got started in the first place. I went to drop out of university to become a humanitarian while I was in the faculty of commerce at UBC, but fortunately I learned something before I did. What I learned is what I want to talk about here today, and that is that business, if conducted properly around the world, can be more effective in alleviating poverty and accomplishing our international development goals than charity can or government can.
Over the last number of years I have actually seen this first-hand in Sierra Leone. There are hundreds, and potentially thousands, of not-for-profit organizations operating in Sierra Leone, as well as many government organizations from around the world. Yet in 2010 Sierra Leone's GDP was only $2.2 billion, which is very, very low. There are three British mining companies that are actually now going in and starting operations in Sierra Leone. Those three British companies are expected to take the GDP of Sierra Leone from $2.2 billion to approximately $8 billion, and those three British companies are going to alleviate more poverty and accomplish more development goals than any government organization or any charity has been able to do in that country.
As a result of that, I believe that the Canadian government should view businesses as a key to accomplishing our international development goals.
I realize I only have a couple of minutes here, so I'm just going to talk about two examples where I think we could potentially improve. The first of those is protection. With protection of our businesses internationally from foreign corruption and expropriation risks, our Canadian businesses can thrive. The second point is facilitation. How can we facilitate those Canadian businesses to accomplish our development objectives and—and this is an important “and”—have those businesses fund the majority of that development themselves, so the Canadian government doesn't have to do it?
Talking in a little more detail about issue number one, which is protection, in Sierra Leone, for example, if you're a Canadian company and you get approached by a foreign official and you get asked for a bribe, you have two choices. You can pay the bribe and go to jail in Canada, or you can lose your business and have your assets expropriated.
It's not a coincidence that those three companies operating in Sierra Leone that are going to change the country are all British. If you're a British company operating in Sierra Leone--their government is much more involved there, and IMATT is there--when you get asked for that bribe, you have a third option. You can go to those government officials, tell them what's actually going on—and this happens frequently. They know a lot of the senior government officials within Sierra Leone, and they'll go to them and work back channels and they'll say that so-and-so company just got approached, and we need to deal with this. So the issue gets dealt with before the expropriation happens. It's always easier to stop an expropriation than it is to reverse it once it has already become public.
There is one Canadian company I'm aware of that is operating in Sierra Leone. I'm sure there are more than that, but I'm only aware of one. A few months ago they actually did have their assets expropriated from them, ironically enough. I've been told that those concessions have now just been handed over to a Chinese company. The Chinese government is obviously very active in Sierra Leone as well.
The real problem from my perspective isn't the actual expropriations themselves. The real problem is actually the lack of businesses, or the businesses that don't get started up because of the risk of expropriation. So for every business that gets expropriated, there will be hundreds and hundreds of businesses that never get started in the first place, just because investors and business people are afraid that if they invest in a particular way in a particular country, they will have their assets expropriated.
For example, in the company I'm the CEO of, I would be willing to invest our company's capital in a British mining company starting up in Sierra Leone. I would not be willing to risk my company's capital investing in the start-up of a Canadian mining company operating in Sierra Leone because it is significantly riskier.
So on the issue of protection, just to be very brief, here's one idea that I have; it may be a good one or it may be a terrible one. It's the idea of starting up some form of business stabilization department in the Canadian government whose goal is to be there and answer the phone when Canadian companies encounter foreign corruption. Then the issues can be dealt with before expropriations and foreign corruption happen, so the Canadian companies feel they will be supported, and investors feel there will be support for Canadian companies when they make those investment decisions.
The risk is that if we don't do things like that, Canadian companies will choose to stay home rather than invest abroad. If those Canadian companies are going to be an important part of our international development goals, we need to support them.
I'll move on, in the interest of time, to improvement opportunity number two, which is facilitation to get companies achieving these development goals and paying for most of them. The Manning Centre completed a study last year that stated that the Canadian people are trusting the government less and less to accomplish objectives directly. Personally, I think we have a great government, and I don't think this is a reflection of this current administration. It's more a reflection of the general frustration with the inherently limiting factors of government.
I personally think it's because of something I've nicknamed the “Cathy principle”. Cathy is an orphan girl. She is a real girl. She is in Sierra Leone. Her mother died when she was three years old. Her father died when she was five. She was put into an orphanage at the age of five. For eight years she has been living in that orphanage, available for adoption. No one has adopted her. She's thirteen years old, and she has no parents and no future.
Last year my wife and I got permission from the High Court of Sierra Leone, and we became Cathy's guardians. We got permission from the Ministry of Social Welfare to bring her to Canada and to adopt her here. We bought a much larger house so that we would have an extra bedroom, because we already have two daughters and she would be our third. And it looks like we may not be getting permission from the Canadian High Commission to bring her to Ghana.
I don't raise this issue for personal reasons. I raise it to simply illustrate what I call the Cathy principle, which relates to decisions that should be very easy. Any person you talk to on the street would know what the right decision is here. But the reality, and I understand this and I am sympathetic to it, is that whenever government entities are involved in making decisions and become afraid of making the wrong decision, they become incapable of making the right decision. That is the Cathy principle.
I'll say that again, because I think it's an important principle. Whenever a government entity becomes too afraid of making the wrong decision, they become incapable of making the right decision.
The Cathy principle means that decisions that should be easy or no-brainers become very complex. It's because of this Cathy principle that our government needs to recognize the inherently limiting nature of governments, which hampers their effectiveness in accomplishing our international development goals directly.
The good news is that the Manning Centre also found something else. It found that Canadians are actually trusting our government more and more to act as a facilitator of these things we are trying to accomplish as a government. As a result, I believe and the Canadian people believe that the right role for our government is one of facilitation.
To that extent, the public-private partnership, the model CIDA has recently engaged, for example, in Burkina Faso, I believe is the perfect model the Canadian government should be trying to do more of internationally. Therefore, my strong recommendation would be that the government continue to explore and improve that public-private partnership model.
One way the government could improve that P3 model is to make companies feel as if they are getting a reputational benefit from the activities so that CIDA can extract as much money as possible from these companies. For example, if a P3 builds a vocational school, and the charity puts its logo on it and the Canadian government puts its logo on it, the reputational benefit to the company of being associated with that project is very valuable to that company. And I think our companies should be expected to pay for those benefits. By hiring a few senior executives whose sole role is to negotiate with companies, CIDA could potentially extract hundreds of millions of dollars of additional funding from companies for P3 projects.
On a side note, I know that the recent P3 in Burkina Faso has drawn some public criticism. The papers said that some people viewed it as government funding of social programs for a multi-billion-dollar company. I disagree entirely with that view. To the extent that the government can contribute less and can negotiate with the companies to contribute more, public opinion will back these more strongly, especially in the economic condition we find ourselves in today, with the government not having a lot of money.
With that, I want to conclude. We have the opportunity to protect our companies better to allow them to flourish internationally. We have the opportunity to facilitate to have them accomplish our international development objectives.
I think we have a great country. I think we have a great government. We have great companies. We have great charities. And I think we can change the world if we all work together.
Thank you.