In a word, yes, I would agree. I think that cash-on-delivery aid is part of a greater focus on results. That being said, the idea in terms of how other aid models work is not to throw out the baby with the bathwater, because there are other things, and democratic development might be one of them, where this model is not suitable. It's important to bear in mind that it's not applicable on everything. That being said, it could be applicable on several things. There are a lot of studies that have been done in the last two years that would suggest there are real opportunities to apply this model to the area of child and maternal health. We know this is an area in which Canada has led, and it's worthy that we investigate that further. Access to water is another area in which there have been suggestions that this type of investment could be valuable, but it's not in everything. It's too early to say that this is going to address all the challenges you spoke to.