I would say, first and foremost, that all of us as Canadians, and I'm sure the folks from Coca-Cola and others from non-governmental organizations as well, have a shared common interest: we want people's lives to be improved upon. I think there is an absolutely vital intersection there between the public sector and ensuring that there are responsible governments that have accountability to their citizens so there is a functioning democratic system, and also so that at the end of the day people have livelihoods to be able to live the lives they want to live and to be able to get themselves out of poverty.
I think all of us have jobs here in Canada—well, not everybody in Canada has a job, but certainly everyone in this room does—and we're fortunate to have them. That is what Ghanaians want. That is what people the world over want. So I think there are particular roles that governments and foreign aid dollars can play to help establish an environment in which development is truly possible. That is an absolutely vital role to play and a role I think governments are very well suited to play.
That being said, I think it is imperative that Canadian companies and other international firms find creative ways to be engaging, not just in the business they're engaged in, but in allowing some of those benefits to reach the people.
In Africa, in particular, we're not seeing huge amounts of foreign direct investment from Canada, particularly outside of some particular sectors, so I think finding ways to increase that relationship would be really appreciated by a lot of these countries and their governments and their entrepreneurs.