If it's okay, Mr. Van Kesteren, I'll give another example, something that is burgeoning for our organization in Ghana.
For those who don't know the country of Ghana, it is coming out of the gates strongly right now. In fact, it's sort of entering into middle-income status. They've discovered oil in the last few years, and they have been drilling and finding ways—they've been partnering with the Norwegian government—to ensure they're going to use those revenues that are generated in responsible long-term ways. The Government of Ghana is actually quite a remarkable example.
That being said, the northern region of the country is particularly underdeveloped and much poorer than the south, and that's where our organization works. Obviously Ghana, in part, is a bread basket for Africa—for western Africa, at least—and there is huge agricultural potential in that part of the country.
One of the biggest challenges is a lack of business skill from within agricultural communities. It is often very small-scale, very subsistence-based farming. So we partner with agricultural colleges. Dave, you met the director of one of these colleges, Dr. Bempong.
We partner with these colleges to work with their students and farmers in the regions throughout rural northern Ghana to equip them with business skills—small things, like bookkeeping, understanding markets better, and helping to facilitate market connections. That's so people who have a great deal of expertise in growing crops in that region are also equipped with the right set of skills to make sure their product reaches market, that they're getting a fair price for that, and that they're connecting to regional markets, and at times international markets as well.
This is something we've been very actively involved with, training thousands of Ghanaian entrepreneurs and farmers in the northern part of the country.