Certainly, many of our allies understand that the purpose of the ATT is to target bad people—let's just say, very generally, terrorists, criminals, and human rights violators—and there has always been the implicit understanding that, look, this is not meant to target legitimate, responsible trade by legitimate, responsible, law-abiding individuals. When I've discussed this with other delegations, they've said, well, of course, you know, that's implicitly understood. The argument the Canadian delegation has returned is, well, that's fine, so let's make it explicitly understood.
The question really has been, how do we protect that interest? We've explored a number of options. Some of them did not meet with much favour. The latest option we are proposing now, that of including text in the preamble, seems to have achieved the greatest support for achieving that goal. But there really hasn't been much disagreement about the goal generally.