This quarry in application—it's under provincial jurisdiction of course—is going to be a big quarry. It's 2,300 acres. It's going to go below the water table. It's going to affect a number of rivers, not only in my riding but in your riding, because you are immediately north of me.
I believe it's going to affect drinking water. It's going to affect aquifers. The proponents are from a Boston hedge fund, an American-based company. The whole area is full of water and they haven't made it quite clear what they're going to do with the water or how they're going to get the aggregate—I think it's limestone—out.
I've heard different theories. One is that they're going to pump the water out and hold it somewhere, which will affect the streams and the rivers. The other is they are going to put it on trains, ship it up through your riding, put it on boats, and send it off somewhere, probably to the United States.