If we could get all the members back to the table, we'll get started.
I want to welcome our witnesses here today.
Thank you for taking the time to be with us on such short notice. When we met last Tuesday, we hadn't had all of our witnesses confirmed, so that means you've rearranged your schedules to be here for us. Thank you very much for that.
We have with us Adèle Hurley, director of the program on water issues, University of Toronto, the Munk School of Global Affairs. Ms. Hurley, welcome.
We also have, from the University of Calgary, J. Owen Saunders, senior fellow and adjunct professor for the Canadian Institute of Resources Law. Welcome, Mr. Saunders.
Joining us via video conference from my area of the country is Mr. Steven Renzetti, who is a professor at Brock University. Mr. Renzetti, thank you very much for being here.
What we'll do is start in the order in which we've introduced everybody.
You have up to 10 minutes for your opening statements. We'll start with Ms. Hurley and work our way around to finish with Mr. Renzetti.
Ms. Hurley, we welcome you and turn the floor over to you.