Thank you.
The debate on the Northwest Passage, of course, has been overshadowed by the Chinese icebreaker that went right over the North Pole very successfully this summer. The direct route across the North Pole is, of course, the shortest way between Europe and Asia. As well, the Russians just laid the keel on one of the largest icebreakers that will guarantee all-season passage in their Arctic waters. The Northwest Passage issue is one that is going to fade very quickly.
You talked about how, in the Beaufort Sea...that we're working away at that. Why, then, have the Americans over the past three years passed fishing regulations, passed air emissions regulations in the disputed area? Are the Americans building a better case internationally for ownership of the water through these regulations that they continue to pass in the area of dispute? Canada has fallen dramatically behind the U.S. in this regard.
Could I get your comment on that? Could you make it brief, too, please? I have something for Ms. Stirk as well.