Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you for inviting me to speak on a very timely subject today: Canada's 2013-2015 chairmanship of the Arctic Council.
As Jillian Stirk mentioned earlier, the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade plays an important role in delivering the international dimension of Canada's integrated northern strategy, as well as the 2010 statement on Canada's Arctic foreign policy. The statement highlights the key areas where we are working internationally in pursuit of Canada's Arctic interests. Chief among these is our work at the Arctic Council.
As you may be aware, Canada led in the establishment of the Arctic Council in Ottawa in 1996 and was its first chair from 1996 to 1998. Through federal and territorial government departments, northern aboriginal organizations, and science and other research bodies, Canada contributes expertise and leadership to Arctic Council projects and initiatives. Working in the Arctic Council helps to leverage our resources with those from the seven other Arctic Council countries to produce truly circumpolar outcomes.
Some of the past council deliverables where Canada played a significant role include developing the science that formed the basis for the Stockholm convention on the elimination of persistent organic pollutants, an Arctic search and rescue agreement to respond to the growing numbers of people travelling in the north, and an Arctic marine shipping assessment that is helping policy-makers develop rules and procedures for safe shipping in the region. There are many more.
Mr. Chairman, you will be aware that the Prime Minister recently appointed the Honourable Leona Aglukkaq as minister for the Arctic Council and Canada's chair of the Arctic Council. Minister Aglukkaq is responsible for the development of the priorities that Canada will pursue during its chairmanship of the Arctic Council. The appointment by the Prime Minister of a dedicated minister for the Arctic Council and of someone with such a deep understanding of Canada's north and its peoples reflects the importance the Government of Canada attaches to the north and to the work of the Arctic Council.
Earlier this month, Minister Aglukkaq completed a series of engagement round tables with territorial premiers and cabinet ministers and round tables with aboriginal leaders, permanent participants, and interested parties from industry, municipalities, non-governmental organizations, and research institutions. The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade has in turn led an interdepartmental process involving federal government departments to identify areas where Canada may wish to focus some attention. From these meetings we heard a clear message from northerners, and that was to place people first in our Arctic Council priorities. This has been reflected in the overarching theme for our chairmanship, which will be development for the people of the north.
Beneath this broad theme will be three sub-themes.
The first of these is responsible Arctic resource development. Central to the economic future of the circumpolar region and the long-term prosperity of northerners is the development of natural resources.
We believe that the council can play an important role in making sure that Arctic resource development takes place in a sustainable manner. We also believe that the current efforts under Sweden's chairmanship to engage the industry and the business community in the work of the council should continue, and we will explore ways on how best to achieve this through initiatives such as a circumpolar business forum.
The second sub-theme is responsible and safe Arctic shipping. We know that, as the Arctic navigational season extends, it will result in increased Arctic marine activity in what is a very challenging environment.
Under the Canadian chairmanship, we will want to continue, and look to extend on, the council's recent work on oil spill pollution prevention. Initiatives that seek to enhance Arctic tourism and passenger safety, support monitoring and policy enforcement, and strengthen environmental protection are areas that we think the council should focus on.
The third sub-theme is sustainable circumpolar communities. New opportunities and challenges are emerging across the Arctic, partly as a result of the impacts of climate change. The council can help bring together some of the necessary information and tools that will enable northern communities to adapt through initiatives that address the physical, socio-economic and cultural impacts of the changing Arctic in their communities.
Under the last three chairmanships, the Arctic Council's work on short-lived climate pollutants has been ground-breaking both in and outside the Arctic. A Canadian chairmanship will look for ways to continue this work and determine whether the council can pursue more ambitious action, possibly including the development of a regional instrument.
Finally, the Canadian chairmanship will build on the council's continuing efforts to improve coordination across all of the council's working groups and task forces, and to improve tracking and reporting to effectively implement our work. The objective of this internal work will be to achieve results and outcomes that benefit northerners.
In conclusion, the Arctic Council is an important forum where we advance northern Canadian interests internationally. Northerners have always contributed to the discussions taking place at the Arctic Council, and they will continue to have an important role in shaping Canadian policy on Arctic issues.
Through Canada's chairmanship of the Arctic Council, Canada will champion initiatives that benefit northern peoples and communities in Canada and throughout the circumpolar region.
I welcome any questions or comments you may have. Thank you.