Well, that's going to be tough.
Certainly, the dealings with social development are really about dealing in our territories. Our governments are really responsible for that. I don't want to see that diluted in any way, shape, or form.
I think there are a number of things that you have to clarify. One of them is that this region is a new ocean; it's not an ocean that has existed. It's changing rapidly. It's a crisis situation when you consider the degree of geographic differentiation that is occurring in a period of decades, rather than centuries, as we first thought when the Arctic Council was set up.
As we think of the future.... The changes in the Arctic are a result of the global human presence around the globe. That's why we have changes in the Arctic. When we talk about how we deal with the Arctic, we have to recognize that. The fact that Singapore came with a delegation to the conference of Arctic parliamentarians to say that they were concerned about the Arctic says that the world is concerned about the Arctic—