Thank you.
And thank you, Professor. It's been most interesting this morning. I think we could keep you busy here for the rest of the day.
I am interested in the whole aspect of observer status. We were provided in our notes with a list of the criteria that would be used to assess whether or not a country had the right to observer status. There are about seven or eight of them in it. I won't read them all, because I'm sure you know them, but we have states such as China, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore that have already expressed an interest in observer status. The European Commission applied. It was rejected by Canada.
My question really is, where does it stop? Everybody can say they have an interest, but Singapore? What is Singapore's interest in the Arctic? Why would it want to be there?
And is this really, then, essentially the start of the creation of another United Nations? How do we control it and hold it back?