I just have a comment on Mr. Breukelman's testimony. He's right. If we'd known there were four active diamond mines in the Slave geological province, we would have run a transmission line for hydroelectric power in there and we would have saved billions of dollars.
Information is extremely valuable. Public information is extremely valuable as well, because a government would have had to make that choice. It wouldn't have been made by the free market. That requires industrial planning, which I haven't seen a whit of in the years of my work in public government.
Mrs. Grant, I had the opportunity to see the presentation that was made by one of your students here in Ottawa a few months ago. You did some very interesting work on ice in the polar ice cap and tying it to what happened with the Chinese icebreaker.
Your thesis was that it's going to be the route for shipping and to consider that the Northwest Passage is going to be really any kind of a shipping magnet would be going in the wrong direction. We need to recalibrate our thinking about that.
Is that still your view?