That's number one, and that leads me to questions, which is good, because my sense is the Russians are running a little roughshod over their local people, their indigenous peoples, and they're pushing back a bit.
That leads me to the question for you, David. You're a very big fan of technology and you have done wonderful things for our country and others, but sometimes technology can move too fast, right? We've seen that over the last few centuries with big mining operations in communities, and next thing, there's a ghost town with a polluted area. I just visited northern Alberta, which is doing really great but they're trying to contain it all. They're trying to have the technology so they can be environmentally sensitive with the economic boom. Northern Alberta is doing great, and the Arctic is going to be our next frontier.
That being said, is there a bit of a danger when that technology is moving so fast that the local culture, the local people...agreements don't move fast enough, with the pace of technology? Is that a concern of yours?