In essence, that project and other projects of a similar nature are basically intended to create a win-win situation for all. We have efforts under way to basically empower people or enable them to develop economies themselves, to create employment, to do the kinds of things that will help them deal in the long run with the issues of health, food, and security, the kinds of things that we now are obviously committed to. In Burkina Faso, the need is just so huge, so great, that we're trying to do the humanitarian aid, surely, but at the very same time we're trying to provide opportunities, support, and sustainment for people to develop their own ability to survive, if you will.
Finally, the training there, again partnering with Plan Canada, of up to 10,000 young people in 13 communities to meet local labour market needs with co-financing by IAMGOLD and CIDA is a prime example of what it is that we're trying to do. We're trying to leverage resources in an ethical way that will enable the investment companies to be sensitive to the need to look at social issues, health issues, and community building in places where they operate. This is one example of how that has resulted in some very positive short and long-term outcomes.