Wouldn't you say, though, that the UArctic model is the better place to share experiences on northern education than the Arctic Council, which has to deal with so many international issues surrounding the opening of the Arctic Ocean—primarily environmental issues and issues surrounding the movement of ships and the opening of a new fishery in the world? These are things that have no other home in which to be discussed—none at all—as previous people have mentioned. By focusing on something where you have other international bodies that are already established to provide that connection, wouldn't you think that is a formula for not getting things done that we really need to do on an international basis?
We don't have much time. The Arctic Ocean is opening up very quickly. Climate change is making a huge difference, not only to the north but through southern Canada and the rest of the world. We need to focus on those international issues.
Could you not see a better way to deal with education internationally through the existing structures that have been established?