Yes. Unfortunately I can't give you an easy answer to that. We've been engaged in conventional development assistance, as Elly mentioned in her introduction, for almost 30 years in Mali. A lot of this is being undermined by this escalating conflict. We're really facing a complicated challenge in terms of trying to address the immediate needs and at the same time build on the development work that we've been engaged in for so long.
As some have already mentioned, all of this is taking place against the backdrop of recurring drought and a severe food-insecure environment. We try as best we can under the circumstances to continue our development engagement, which is a range of interventions brought together in terms of trying to strengthen the resilience of the most vulnerable in Mali and at the same time trying to address these new needs that are coming up on top.
The simple answer is we continue those developmental activities as best we can but recognizing that the priority at this point is the humanitarian response.