Well, I would hope so, especially within this short timeframe, because not only Canada but North America.... The United States will be the chair right after Canada, so the Inuit Circumpolar Council takes the view that North America will also be dealing with this issue over the next four-year timeframe. If we want to ensure that the agendas of both of those chairmanships are achievable, then the Inuit Circumpolar Council, as resident within those two chairmanship regions, has the capacity to ensure a system in achieving those.
I would also suggest that it's the responsibility of the eight Arctic states as well. It shouldn't just be Canada or the United States. It's a process that's been under discussion for many years within the Arctic Council. The senior Arctic officials haven't been able to come up with a structure or formula to adequately address permanent participant involvement. Right now you have one indigenous organization that's suspended within Russia, and how do we deal with that issue, because they need to be there because they're recognized as participants, but they're not at this time.