I have one more question, and this is for Ms. Dey Nuttall.
You had a paper that was part of a larger paper—I didn't download the whole thing—Europe's Northern Dimension: Policies, Cooperation, and Frameworks. In there you talk a little bit about what's going on with the indigenous peoples of the north. One comment that concerned me was that although you say they've been adopted by the European Commission:
...that theme remains on paper. No funds were allocated, no budget allocations were provisioned, everything remained on paper. The only thing is that they continue to extract oil and gas, they expand, but when it comes to indigenous rights and interests, not much has changed.
I wonder if you could tell us a little bit more about that statement and how you see that. Canada is obviously very concerned, in our term as chair, that we make things better for people of the north. I wonder if you could give us a little bit of insight into what you see happening there.