I think there's been a great deal of alignment between development and our foreign policy priorities already. I think amalgamation is going to take that next step, up our game, so to speak. If you look at foreign policy in the broad objectives for Canada at the moment—which I would say are effectively prosperity, security, and the promotion of our values—and look at some of the specific things we've done at CIDA, we've supported all of those objectives.
With respect to prosperity, this committee's done an excellent report on the private sector and sustainable economic growth. When we pursue sustainable economic growth activities in developing countries, we're pulling them out of poverty. We're helping them grow their economies. We're helping pull their people out of poverty. So that's all good from a development perspective, but we're also basically creating markets for tomorrow for our own companies and pursuing Canadian interests. I don't think those are mutually exclusive. I would suggest they're actually mutually reinforcing in a lot of ways. So on the prosperity side, I think that development has done a lot.
In terms of security and stability, I could give you all kinds of different examples, but I probably don't have enough time in terms of actual programs. On security, again, I think development helps address conflict and instability at its source. So when we do programming in the areas of children and youth, for example, or education, or health, or when we do work in the area of democracy, I think we're actually promoting stability and helping to create conditions where insecurity and instability are not going to arise.
Finally, with respect to values, again going back to my earlier answer and what our values are in terms of democracy, freedom and compassion, I think a lot of our activities there show that side. On development, take a look at our maternal, newborn and child health activities. This has really been sort of a flagship initiative for the agency over the last number of years, and all kinds of other work in terms of our humanitarian assistance, showing our compassion. Again, I think that's really promoted our values. It's helping lay the groundwork for democracy and human rights.
I think we've done a lot of good work, not only on the CIDA side but on the DFAIT side as well.