If we do hear that there's something going on, we have an obligation, one, to inform the RCMP.... Any investigation is done by the RCMP. We are not investigators. We merely pass on that kind of information.
Clearly, if a company is under investigation in a foreign jurisdiction, we would pass that on to the RCMP. But usually they'll know about it and tell us. If we hear there is a possibility, even within the company, we would.... We deal with companies on a daily basis. They know what our job is. Our job is to ensure that Canadian law is taken into account. For instance, any number of us at this table go off to conferences where private companies and other groups, Transparency or NGOs, are attending because they're talking about corruption. Our job at that point is to say to them, “These are the laws that Canada applies. This is how you should be aware. Govern yourself accordingly.”
That's the degree to which we deal with it. We're on the policy level. The RCMP is on the investigation level and the prosecution service is on the prosecution level.