You raise a very important question, because changing culture means educating people, not only making them aware, but making it part of their daily DNA of functioning.
We're very concerned that this come from the top; therefore, we train from the top. We have just completed two weeks of head-of-mission training, which is what we call “ambassador school”, where we send our future heads of mission off for two weeks of intensive torture. Part of that is to make them aware of the kinds of obligations they have outside the country.
One of the key issues they deal with—of course, they administer the Trade Commissioner Service as well, and we deal with Canadian businesses abroad—is to be aware of what the domestic law is that applies to foreign bribery. We have a number of extraterritorial laws that apply outside the country. One of the key ones is anti-bribery. Some of the others, of course, relate to child sex tourism, and we make sure that our people know about that too.
One of the key things is that when you are interacting with Canadian business, or if you are in a situation where you're aware that there is a potential for or an actual bribery situation, you are obliged to advise us in Ottawa, and we are obliged to advise the RCMP.
Our reach in terms of application of this law is not just a passive one; it's an active one. We take that seriously. So we are, in the field and domestically, ensuring that our people are aware.