Thank you very much.
I concur with you, with the fact that, unfortunately, we don't have sufficient time, because there are a lot of unanswered questions. We also haven't been able, as a committee, to hear from non-governmental organizations. Given what's at stake, it would have been worth it to have more time to really study this bill in depth.
Mr. Ingram and Ms. Keeping, I have a question for you both. I'd like to come back to Mr. Ingram’s comment that we badly need to enhance our brand abroad. You talked about capacity building, providing resources for revenue management and going after income tax and things like that. There's a very good example recently. The U.K. helped Ethiopia with its tax collection system, and the tax revenue in that country multiplied by seven as a result. We often hear the government say that Canadian businesses will bring in taxes, but helping revenue agencies in developing countries is key too.
What the Prime Minister announced yesterday, in terms of transparency, is a good step. What are the next steps that Canada could take to help enhance, reshape our brand a bit?