First of all, in terms of the actual operational aspect, certainly a Canadian might be in charge, but then it comes down again to the policies enacted from the non-party state for what they're using. When we are giving directions as to what we want to achieve, we are always giving very clear directions and we give our rules of engagement. Every nation also issues rules of engagement to which its members will adhere.
When a commander is giving out instructions for how something is to occur, he or she will often speak in terms of effect. So if you were out there and you were commanding a large land force, if you will, you might ask an American or a British ally, or whoever, who is part of the coalition, to provide you with a blocking function on the left flank so you can conduct operations. How they will conduct that blocking function will become their business and really, it is done, and so they will continue to go ahead with their own rules and regulations on that. That's the best way I can describe that.
Over to you, Chris.