Pursuant to the order of reference of Friday, October 25, 2013, discussion of Bill C-6, An Act to implement the Convention on Cluster Munitions will start today.
I want to thank our guests for taking the time to be here and, as usual, for being here on such short notice as well.
We have Hugh Adsett, who is the deputy legal adviser and director general for the legal affairs bureau with DFATD. Welcome, sir.
We have Sabine Nolke, who is the director general of the non-proliferation and security threat reduction bureau, also from DFATD. Thank you, and welcome to you.
We have Brigadier-General Charles Lamarre, director general of operations in the strategic joint staff of the Department of National Defence. Thank you, and welcome to committee.
Joining him is Lieutenant-Colonel Chris Penny, who is from the directorate of international and operational law, in the office of the judge advocate general. Welcome, sir, to you as well.
Rounding it out at the end of the table, from the Department of Justice, we have Christopher Ram, legal counsel from the criminal law policy section. Welcome.
We're getting started a little bit early today. It is Thursday, so depending upon how many questions MPs want to ask, we'll go right to 5:30 or we may go sooner. Because it's Thursday afternoon, who knows? Maybe we'll finish a little bit early, as long as all the questions have been answered, and we'll certainly give all our colleagues here a chance to do that.
I'm going to start with Madam Nolke and her presentation.
You each have up to 10 minutes. I'm not sure—I thought it was maybe 10 minutes, 5 minutes, and 5 minutes. I'm not sure what you have with regard to that, but we'll start and work our way across the table. Then we will turn it over to the members of Parliament to follow up with some questions.
Madam Nolke, we'll turn the floor over to you. Thank you for being here.