Thank you very much.
Thank you for appearing here today, gentlemen.
I'd also like to touch on the gas and oil, and particularly the shale gas reserves. I understand Ukraine has a considerable amount of reserves and possibly some of the other European countries do too. But given that they can find a way to clean up and bring transparency to the industry, should that not be a priority to develop as quickly as possible?
When I was visiting Africa once, Ghana, I could see what they're doing on it. They virtually mortgaged their reserves for building infrastructure now on the expectation that this...because the reserves...I would think it's money in the ground and there are ways to ascertain the value of that money.
I have two questions. Can it not be used and mortgaged for funding now, and how quickly can that be brought on stream? Also, is there enough reserve there to cause Russia concern? In other words, they would no longer need to bring gas from Russia, they could produce their own.