The role of any multi-religious or multi-faith or multilinguistic group is absolutely critical in these kinds of situations. What normally happens under these conditions, and we see it everywhere, is polarizing, where communities, able to live together in peaceful terms, as security is threatened and as passions are heightened will break apart. Neighbours who were formerly able to go to church together will all of a sudden look at each other with suspicion. The “us” and “they” kind of divisions deepen.
In Kiev right now, there is still time, with courageous leadership, for the council of churches to take a strong position. That would be deeply reassuring, especially to those who find themselves as minorities. Ukraine has minorities in different parts of the country, so were they able to summon that kind of leadership, that would be, I think, very reassuring.
Is there a role for church leaders in this country, in Canada, to be in contact with their fellow leaders in Ukraine and to urge that kind of action on them? Very, very much so; very much so.