Mr. Chairman, I can speak to that with reference to the project that my colleague, Mr. MacArthur, mentioned. The Government of Canada is providing $8 million for a larger project, a $24-million project also being funded by the United Kingdom and the Netherlands in a tripartite initiative, which the International Labour Organization is managing, as they typically do, with government, employers, and unions.
A major component of that program is specifically focused on both short- and longer-term measures to address the issues around enforcement of building codes and building standards. The fact that Bangladesh is also in an earthquake zone, on top of everything else, poses additional challenges. One challenge—and Rana Plaza is a good example of this—is that what was meant to be a shopping mall had industrial equipment and thousands of workers put into it. So you can have the right codes but the wrong use. That outlines the challenges.
In the context of that project, there are very specific targets that have been set and measurements that we have set with the ILO, the Government of Bangladesh, and the other partners. So over the next few years, as a partner in this project, we're going to be tracking things such as the number of building remediation orders issued and the number of factory inspections completed.
As I said, there are short- and long-term measures being taken. The first is a big push to get out to the factories. A major component is training inspectors, and there are both short- and long-term aspects to that. It's about getting out and doing initial inspections, and setting up a database of thousands of factories.
The database is now constructed, but information about how factories do on these inspections has to be filled in and made available online. Structural integrity of the building and safety are significant parts of that, as are fire safety measures, fire safety equipment, and those kinds of things.