Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Thank you, gentlemen, for being here.
I was in Bangladesh four years ago, so I have a little bit of a picture in my head of some of the things we're talking about. We visited one of the garment factories while I was there, and I was struck by some of the construction.
I worked as a draftsman in an engineering company for a number of years, and I understand some of the robust building codes that we have implemented in Canada to ensure safety for our own workers. Even though I know, from a little bit of research, that Bangladesh has a very good building code—through my research, I also discovered that it was reviewed as recently as 2007 by the University of Tokyo, so I have to assume that engineers in Tokyo know what they're looking at—the problem really is the enforcement piece of the building code.
My understanding—and perhaps you can verify this from your knowledge—is also that Bangladesh does not have gravel of its own. It's all imported. I'm assuming that the strength of the concrete being produced for these buildings is questionable. When I drive past any of these buildings and I see rebar sticking out of the top of the buildings—because as long as you don't finish the top floor, you don't pay taxes—I know that the rebar is being compromised every time it rains. The water will run down. It doesn't take an engineering degree to know that rusted rebar and compromised concrete are going to create more of a problem.
My question really is this. Following this terrible tragedy a year ago, are we working with any of the building departments in the Government of Bangladesh to, first of all, help them improve what's being built and, second, take a look at what has already been constructed that is not safe?
If we're not doing that or assisting with that, are we not then just waiting for another tragedy to happen?