Thank you very much for your testimony today.
One of the people I spoke to before you came here was from government and he told me that there is no requirement for a retailer to actually interface with the government in their decision to engage a manufacturer in the garment industry in Bangladesh. They could go straight to them, work out a deal, and the clothes would be produced. So 60% of retailers are not necessarily getting in touch with the government.
My first question is for Mr. Chant. I'm not picking on Loblaws, because I think you've done a lot of things since Rana Plaza. I ask this because this may be how a lot of other companies are still operating, but when you first went to Bangladesh, did you identify a manufacturer and then, based on your assessment of their capability to do the job and the cost they were going to charge you, decide on that basis? Were those pretty well the criteria for your deciding that yes, you would sign a contract?