China is a country that was developed with Right To Play China as a legacy of the Chinese games. The area of focus in China has been primarily research. It is the academic community that is really interested in looking at these issues, particularly as it relates to child labour issues. What it has elicited there is an academic community that is interested in researching this.
Various development settings are unique in their own ways. Again, as I mentioned, the community-based approach is incredibly important. It's incredibly important with regard to preparedness. We work in many countries where conflict can erupt, violence is prone to erupting, and I think the preparedness is critical.
What is also very, very important is aligning with UN partners—UNHCR and UNICEF are some of the key partners we work with, as well as War Child, I'm sure—and working with the cluster system; that's one of the areas that make an awful lot of sense. But working at the community level, and building that trust at the community, is really critical.