Pursuant to Standing Order 81(5), we are considering the supplementary estimates (B) 2013-14. We are going to welcome our ministers here today.
Minister Baird, thank you for taking the time to be here. We've also got Minister Paradis and Minister Yelich here.
We'll start shortly with Minister Baird's testimony, but I also want to welcome our other witnesses from the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development.
We've got Daniel Jean, the deputy minister of Foreign Affairs. Welcome today. I'm glad to have you here as well.
We've also got Paul Rochon, the deputy minister of International Development. Welcome, sir. I'm glad to have you here.
We also have Nadir Patel, who has been with us before. He is the assistant deputy minister and chief financial officer. Welcome back. Thank you for also being here.
Minister Baird, I am going to turn the floor over to you. I know that each of you has an opening statement. You've been here before and know how it works, so we'll start with your testimony. Then we'll move over to Minister Paradis and Minister Yelich, and then we'll start with questions.
We'll turn the floor over to you, sir.