No, we were never in Afghanistan. We are now working very productively with a woman in northern Ontario who has done grassroots regional media development initiatives in Afghanistan. She is doing training with aboriginal communities, so we're practising what we preach at home.
As the Afghanistan situation was unfolding, our feeling was that we are most productively put to use in a post-conflict environment, and for much of the time that Canada was engaged in Afghanistan, it was a hot conflict environment. We felt that we should put our resources into environments where the war is effectively over and we are rebuilding a sector that has been wiped out, whilst monitoring situations in other parts of the world to see where we could be most effective.
We are currently contemplating an engagement in South Sudan. We've been doing ongoing needs assessment work in South Sudan for three years now, and we feel that there is an opportunity there to work with independent media. But in the Afghanistan situation, there were a number of different factors, including language concerns and the extraordinary cost of security that would have been involved in the kind of model that we do, so we decided against it.