Countries have all defined individually what the minimum age is, and that varies. It's very typical for the age to be 14. But there are some countries that have stepped down to 12. The issue is that there are children who are below that age who are working.
The problem with not being recognized, and being almost illegal, is that they then work in less protected conditions. If you don't recognize that they can exist, that they do exist, you can't protect them in any way. So we spend a lot of time trying to understand the situation of each child here. We have children for example working in the agriculture sector. They work with their families. They work with their families maybe with a company, and some of it is small, some of it might be moderate or acceptable, and some might be very exploitative conditions.
We think, in Save the Children, that it's very important to understand exactly the context that we're speaking about, because we have been part of global campaigns that have banned work for children and what we did is something we don't want to do. We pushed them to go to more hidden and worse forms, and we will not do that again.
So we will look at the situation carefully, and ensure that those children have options they can move to. If they're working because they need to and nobody is going to give them the money, you have to look at their situation and try to see how you get them to school, how you get them to play, but maybe also protect them at some types of work.
So it's a complex issue.