Good morning. Thank you very much for the opportunity to appear today.
I'd like to use the time to speak specifically about some practical measures that the Government of Canada can take to bolster child protection efforts around the world.
As the chair mentioned, I am the president and CEO of Plan International Canada. Plan Canada is one of the world's oldest and largest development agencies. We have no political or religious affiliation. We operate in over 80 countries around the world. We like to say that we have over 75 years of lessons that are hard learned in the development sector.
I noticed the questions earlier around war and conflict. In fact, Plan Canada was founded in the Spanish Civil War, where we worked with children found in the streets who were orphaned by that very long civil war. Since then we've evolved into a global humanitarian organization focused on the rights of children in over 103,000 communities across those 80 countries around the world.
Our child-centred community development approach to the work we do is anchored in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which directs our work in health, education, sanitation, sustainable livelihoods, water, and conflict. At Plan Canada, we make a minimum 10-year commitment to each of those 103,000 communities, so that we can very much focus on capacity building at that level.
We welcome the committee's decision to conduct this study. It is certainly due. Canada has an enormous opportunity to carve out a global leadership role in this important area that has been long neglected. We're also very pleased to see the formation of the new child protection and child marriage units in DFATD, and we welcome the openness to discussing how we can shape a policy and programming approach that will be globally first class.
There are two comments I'd like to make just before touching on child, early and forced marriage. One is on private sector partnerships and development.
I'd like to start by highlighting the network, as I'm also here representing the International Child Protection Network of Canada. One of the highlighted recommendations concerns the implementation of children's rights and business principles. Under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Canada has a responsibility to see that its development partners, including the private sector, are respected and that they support children's rights and protection in their overseas operations. As Canada moves towards a greater emphasis on public-private partnerships for development, which we highly support, clear standards and expectations must be articulated in terms of how we do business overseas.
As part of a comprehensive due diligence process, we encourage the government to actively promote the necessary tools and resources to see that these business principles respecting children's rights are put into place. As a first step, this would include integrating the children's rights and business principles into the terms of reference, for example, for all DFATD private sector partners. We also recommend that we convene a workshop with all of the relevant partners to develop a common understanding of what the principles mean and how we can successfully implement them and work together with monitoring, evaluation, and accountability mechanisms. I'm certain it is an extraordinary tool. It is early days, and we think there is great opportunity for Canada on this.
The second small area that I'd like to touch on is the post-millennium development goals. The international development agenda has been framed by the millennium development goals for the last 14 and a half years. Child protection was absent in the millennium development goals, yet persistent violations of children's rights and their protection hinders our overall development successes and the achievement of these goals in general. We all know this, and obviously the members of this committee are very committed to child protection.
The recent open working group identified 17 areas of focus for the post-millennium development goals agenda, none of which included child protection. While we would like to see a stand-alone child protection initiative in the post-2015 agenda, the network has made a series of specific recommendations which we'll submit following this hearing, including, for example, an indicator to track progress on the elimination of violence against children, and an indicator to track the increase in the number of safe and decent working opportunities for our young people.
Moving to child, early and forced marriage, I think we all know that this is one of the most egregious failures of child protection. We are looking for Canada's support for the inclusion of an explicit goal on gender equality which would include a specific target to end child, early and forced marriage within the past-2015 agenda.
On the issue of child, early and forced marriage, Plan Canada compiled a policy paper that articulates lessons from our programmatic experience in this area, which we'll submit for consideration to the committee.
Not surprisingly, what we found is that one of the most effective ways to reduce child marriage is to increase girls' access to at least nine years of quality education. We know from our programmatic experience on the ground and from research, longitudinal data, that if we can get girls into secondary school, they're six times less likely to be married off as children when compared to girls who've completed primary education only.
But the schools we send these girls to have to be safe. They have to be safe from sexual and gender-based violence, including harassment from teachers and peers, so that parents can be convinced to send their children to school as a safer alternative than marriage, which is often their motivation. Our research, though, shows that violence against girls continues to be pervasive in the institution that all of us should be able to trust the most: their schools.
We're also pleased to see at the international level a very important piece, the UN action on the resolution, which I know you're all very familiar with. Plan Canada has worked very extensively over the last couple of years with the Canadian missions in New York and Geneva toward this resolution. A sound, reasonable resolution at the United Nations is an important tool for us all to work on to hold accountable the nation-states, member states, on progress toward eliminating child, early and forced marriage.
On the ground programmatically, because Plan Canada is a programmatically driven entity, we would call on the Government of Canada to take concrete action to end forced marriage by developing a robust programmatic initiative that challenges child, early and forced marriage at multiple levels simultaneously. This should include a dedicated new funding envelope for child, early and forced marriage similar to the START mechanism of the older Foreign Affairs, because it's important that we put together not just the advocacy and our voice at the global level, where Canada is considered a well-regarded champion, but that we match that with real action on the ground.
When I say multiple levels simultaneously, what I mean is working with those who would actively challenge and oppose child, early and forced marriage. Our experience shows that best practices across a range of countries include dialogue and action at the community and family household level—we can't come helicoptering in from afar. Best practices also include peer-to-peer participation, engaging young people in this, and I can share with you best practices in this in Bangladesh; engaging religious, traditional, and community leaders—the best practices in places like Mali; engaging men and boys, which you've already highlighted; and increasing awareness and enforcement of the law against child marriage where many parents don't know that they're breaking the law.
Also very important is that we don't leave behind the women and girls who are already married. We recommend that the government invest in projects to support young women and girls who've already been married off, including their re-entry into school, where often they're forbidden from attending once married; vocational opportunities; and access to maternal, newborn, and child health care, including sexual and reproductive health. We can't give up on or abandon those children who've already been married off, because they will quickly become child mothers of a new generation of children.
The next and second to last piece I would ask is that we look at systems strengthening. Broadly speaking, one of our most important lessons learned is that our responses to early forced marriage as well as all our child protection interventions have to be integrated and rooted within strong child-based community protection systems and national child protection mechanisms. It means that we have to be mindful of the many ways that a single child might be vulnerable so that one intervention doesn't actually set the child up for more vulnerability; for example, if we take action to protect a young girl at school only to see her abused on the way home. We may work with youth to convince parents to stop a marriage, but if we fail to work with the traditional and religious leaders, that girl could face violent or serious social repercussions that would set us back further; so one step forward, two steps backward.
Canada is one of the first countries, one of the first donors, to actually take a system-strengthening approach to child protection. What I mean by that is it is looking at the broad social welfare framework, recognizing that poverty and social exclusion operate on a myriad of levels and that there are a range of complex contributing factors to child early forced marriage like violence, natural disasters, war and conflict, trafficking, harmful traditional practices. It's a systems approach, as we all know.
From a policy perspective, I recognize it's challenging. One donor can't do everything. One member state can't do everything. What we can do is see that at least a systems analysis is undertaken before we start making investments, before we start jumping in with well-intentioned interventions to look at where the gaps are, whom we need to partner with, who are the decision-makers and influencers, and how we coordinate action. That will increase the overall capacity of the system to protect children and youth.
Finally, I want to highlight gender equality and gender-based violence. If we want our interventions to be effective, if we want our investments to get a good return, we have to be mindful of the underlying causes of gender inequality or how gender beliefs and practices manifest in so many ways in a young girl's life. We may work with girls themselves to build knowledge of their rights, but without economic alternatives for them, they're unlikely to be able to delay entering into a forced marriage. Once Canada was a leader on gender equality recognized around the world. It's time for us to take that leadership back. There's so much history and experience in DFATD on this. Integrating gender equality across all our interventions and supporting those issues addressing girls' vulnerability will build an internationally recognized reputation for Canada, without question.
As part of that, I want to draw your attention to Plan's recommendations in its report, “A girl's right to learn without fear”. There are practical steps that Canada and governments can take to address the issue of gender-based violence in and around schools. It is pervasive and universal. The abduction of the Nigerian girls while heinous was just an extreme example of what 500 million to 1.5 billion children go through on a daily basis, violations of their rights to protection, education, and their very survival.
So, an international UN resolution investing on the ground in smart programming.... Don't forget the children who are already married off. Focus on system strengthening. Then there's that cross-cutting need for attention on gender equality and gender-based violence. It is multiple and it needs to happen simultaneously. There isn't a hierarchy of sequencing we can suggest because while violence against children is unjustifiable, it's also preventable.
I encourage you to look at the solutions proposed in the report. What I hope is that we can carve out a role for Canada where child protection is one of our foreign policy priorities. There are a lot of children around the world waiting for Canada's leadership.
Thank you.