In the case of child trafficking in particular, you can look to the mining sector or to other major infrastructure development activities in the developing world and see that there is a great risk oftentimes at those sites, where children are being trafficked and sexually exploited. That would be an example of where proactive engagement on the part of a company, in terms of dealing with and training their personnel, as well as the security companies they work with or the security folks who directly work for them, would be an important piece of work to be done. Also, it's not only a matter of those kinds of site-specific problems.
Poverty is a huge driver in terms of early marriage and child trafficking, as well as child labour. The issue also around ensuring that you provide decent employment for parents and caregivers of children will have a tremendous mitigating effect and will provide the space for children to potentially go to school or get vocational training, and not necessarily put them into situations where families feel forced for economic reasons to place their children in arranged or forced marriages, or who feel that their children must leave the home in order to ensure that the family is economically stable.