We do that by, first of all, stopping giving those imams Jubilee medals.
I mean, I come from London, a city where we have two mosques. Given its population ratio, London has become infamous. We had youngsters travelling all the way to eastern Algeria. You all know the details. We have these imams who are playing a double game. They stand up in the pulpit...and I am a witness to that.
Imams have been stopped from travelling across the United States because their names, post-9/11, were unacceptable. Then we have our political leaders in the community hanging around with these imams and pinning them with Diamond Jubilees. Where do you then expect the common Muslim to turn around and look? It's not only the medal; we have our police force inviting these imams to don police uniforms. Who will our youngsters, our people, go to speak to when they can see the difficulties?