Thank you very much.
Members of the committee and ladies and gentlemen, thank you for inviting me to share my views on a subject that's very close to the hearts and minds of those of us who are Muslim Canadians and who came here to flee the hell that's unfolding in Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Somalia, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, or wherever.
Unfortunately, we Muslims are a majority community. Some of us are canaries in the mine. We have been warning the democratic world, whether it was India, Israel, Australia, or Canada, of the danger of Islamo-fascism, Islamism, radical Islam, or whatever one wishes to define this death cult as, and whose prime victims, by the way, are fellow Muslims.
Unfortunately, very few in the west have cared to admit that they do not understand the challenge they face and, in their overconfidence, have at times been taken to the cleaners by those who seek the end of civilization as we know it. Allow me to share the words of America's top general in charge of special forces units in the Middle East and whose task is to combat the self-declared Islamic State that's the ISIS terror army. Major General Michael Nagata is reported to have twice confessed last year that the Obama administration has no idea what the group ISIL or ISIS is all about. He's quoted as having told a group of outside experts during a conference call in August, “We do not understand the movement, and until we do, we are not going to defeat it. We have not defeated the idea.” Then he said, “We do not even understand the idea.”
The continued popularity of ISIS in Iraq and Syria and throughout the Arabian Peninsula, and in South Asia as well as Central Africa, has perplexed American military strategists. Some have compared the death-seeking jihadists of ISIS to the militant animal rights activists or environmental lawbreakers, while many apologists of Islamism try to trivialize the dangers we face by comparing ISIS to Timothy McVeigh, the cultists of Waco, Texas, or even the Baader-Meinhof gang and the Italian Red Brigades of the 1960s.
ISIS, in fact, is a far more deadly foe. That is what General Nagata as a military man found wanting in the briefing he received from those who are highly paid consultants and ensure that presidents and prime ministers in many western countries keep repeating the mantra that Islam is a religion of peace and that Islam has nothing to do with Islamism. If General Nagata found ISIL's capacity for rallying teenage and twentysomething Muslim men and women to its cause baffling, he was not the only one, though I must say he's probably the only one honest enough to admit it.
I'm here to thank the Canadian government for the measures it has taken to fight the good fight. I'm not a Conservative and have never voted Conservative, but my critique comes from the left. Of course, we are aware that we in Canada are a mid-sized power and cannot steer the ship of counter-jihad on our own, and at a time when the United States is paralyzed by the inaction or ill action of two successive presidents from both sides of the political rainbow, both of whom have shown abject subservience to the primary power that has given birth to the death cult of Islamo-fascism. Be it Boko Haram, the Taliban, al Qaeda, or ISIS, it's the same halal wine in different bottles, meant to confuse all of us in the west.
On the surface, these countries—or this country that I'm referring to—are our allies, but in reality, it is the opposite. My finger of accusation is pointed at the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its foundational doctrine of what is popularly known as Wahhabism of the 18th century, but which in reality is centuries older. It is based on a very simple idea, which is that life on earth is a fleeting phenomenon and real life actually begins after death. They say that this world is best treated as an airport transit lounge where we wait to catch the flight to our final destination that's paradise—but only after an end-of-time scenario that will not happen until the entire world is ruled by a single Islamic caliphate and after even the stones and trees will join Muslims in an effort to wipe out non-Muslims, especially Jews.
To some of you this may sound like a kindergarten fantasy, but trust me, ladies and gentlemen, this is not because of a lack of education; I have never met an uneducated or illiterate jihadi. No farm or factory worker has blown himself up. It's the educated who are leading ISIS. It was a student of the prestigious London School of Oriental and Asian Studies who beheaded Daniel Pearl when beheading was not such a common phenomenon. It is Islamist Ph.D.s from Oxford, UCLA, U of T, and McGill who believe in the supremacist and racist view of the world. It is Islamic studies departments of Ivy League universities where the most radical of Islamists prowl. For them, this quest for Islamist supremacy on earth as a precondition to the end of times is a serious matter of fate and politics.
Without confronting these academics and imams of Canada's mosques, those who lead and those who lead Islamist organizations, and having a vigorous debate that denigrates the doctrine of armed jihad and rejects sharia law as outdated and unfit for a nation-state, we will not succeed no matter how many men and women we send overseas to defeat ISIS. However, having said that, not sending any military to fight this evil will be seen as an act of surrender by our enemies.
Members of Parliament, the war against malaria can only be won if you drain the swamps where mosquitoes breed. Shooting down one mosquito at a time will not work. I will suggest to you five steps that need to be taken in conjunction with our war effort in the Middle East.
One, we take away the charitable status of mosques where imams pray every week, in every mosque, for Muslim victory over non-Muslims.
Two, we refuse to permit mosques that put women at the back of the bus and that preach death for gays.
Three, we suspend immigration from Somalia, Iran, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia until we are assured that the men and women coming here are committed not to the Muslim Brotherhood of Shabaab, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Jamaat-e-Islami, but to a separation of religion and state, gender equality, liberal democracy, and, dare I say, social democracy and the equitable use of a nation's resources for common development.
Four, Canada initiates with its allies work for the expulsion of Turkey from NATO. We are in a situation where our most secret endeavours are monitored by our worst of enemies right where we plan.
Finally, and above all, we need to send a message that Canada will not move back to medieval times simply to accommodate a group of people desiring to live in a medieval environment. To do this, may I suggest we follow what the French have done and ban the burka in public. Only when we are seen as being strong and not afraid of the terrorists of ISIS and the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood will our troops be successful in defeating the enemy. Otherwise, the failure of America in Iraq and Afghanistan awaits us.
War without understanding the enemy can only inflict casualties and damage on the enemy, leaving it on a higher moral ground amongst its own base. But when war is waged as part of an ideological offensive that exposes the fascists and hate-mongers for who they are, we will succeed, just as we overcame the Nazis in the Second World War and the Communists in the Cold War.
Thank you very much.