Thank you, Chair, and thank you all for joining us.
The testimony has been very interesting, if somewhat discouraging, Ms. Abdo's particularly. What concerns me, as you pointed out, is the impotence of the majority in the Muslim world to do anything about the violent minority. As we have said, we can't impose solutions on them; they have to come up with them themselves.
Part of this is understanding Islam and understanding governance, as you have said. In the Christian world, we have separated church and state, but it seems to me that in the Muslim world, the church is the state; Islam is governance. Everything they do is based on the Koran, is based on centuries of jurisprudence. How do we ever fight that?
A point I made on Tuesday to some folks we had here is that Christianity grew up over a period of time. To me, Islam needs to grow up. Are we ever going to see that? We can't wait 800 years for them to grow up as it took Christianity. How do we do that? How do we get into the schools where we're concerned about what's being taught, and in some mosques, and by some people in Canada, in the U.S., in Britain, wherever? How do we get into those places and work with these folks to give some power to the majority, to actually make the change, and to start separating church and state in the Muslim world? Is that ever going to happen?
Ms. Abdo.