Thanks for the question.
I call ISIS and Boko Haram, etc., horrible gangs on steroids. Essentially it is literally the same kind of thing. People want a sense of belonging to something bigger, I guess, so anything that we can do as a society to bring in alternatives for people in terms of prevention, we do. So with all that we've talked about in terms of leadership and giving people the skills and the tools, using evidence, I must say that as an organization we are very evidence-based and we know tactics that work and tactics that don't work with youth, and we try to use those tools in our programs and working with youth.
Is it measurable? I would say no. At this point in time it's very hard to say how many people we did save by not having them go in and by giving them a feeling of belonging. But I would say that it is leadership training, and training the trainer, word of mouth, and peer-to-peer support. They are like a mushroom. It just keeps ballooning out. So yes, we are very aware and we are focusing on that in our youth programs in Canada where there's active recruitment.