At the moment we have operations that are in 70 countries, but we have basically 12 country offices, a major hub in Senegal for Africa, and another hub in Delhi for Asia. There are really two things that we are doing to expand our influence.
One is with a new president, it's normal you come in and ask a lot of questions that annoy your staff, and I think I've ticked that box so far in the first year. There are nods to my left. One of the questions I asked is, why are we where we are? Is there a reason that we shouldn't be in these places where we are not? Is it just organic evolution? One of the things we've been doing is a deep dive on the updated facts. What is the damage being caused by malnutrition in these countries?
Tanzania is one of them. We don't have a country office there, but in our geographic scoping exercise that is an area where we're looking at as well. There are a number of countries where we're thinking of expanding our operations.
More to the point, we feel we can have a lot more impact as well by looking at those other delivery platforms, whether they are multilateral, whether they are other NGOs, and saying to them that they are doing a great job reaching some extraordinarily vulnerable people with nothing to do with nutrition, and they need it, so what could we do to work with them to leverage their delivery platforms at marginal cost and get a much bigger bump? What you're going to see from the MI over the next months and years is a lot more strategic engagement to influence and to leverage some of the bigger players. I think we're well positioned to do that, particularly in nutrition.