If there's some interest individually, then by all means we want to do it. I'm just saying that there aren't enough numbers for a committee, so individually, absolutely. They wanted a breakfast or something like that. We still want to make that available, but I didn't get a huge sense that there were a whole lot of people.
The third thing I want to mention is that on April 20 and 21 there's a parliamentary delegation from Afghanistan. We're looking at an informal meeting as well. Once again, that will probably be on the Monday when we come back from the break. We're going to have Joann talk to the defence committee clerk to try to set something up. It is informal. It is with the Afghanistan delegation. If people could make it on the Monday, it would obviously be greatly appreciated. It's not a requirement. It won't happen during our meeting time.
The fourth thing is that we did get a letter from the Embassy of Turkey asking us to come over there to some of the refugee camps. I do not believe that we can fit that into our timeframe, so I'm going to write a letter. I'll send a response back to thank them. I don't know if we can get to it in the fall. Obviously, committees won't be set up, etc. As well, it will be a whole new committee.
Hélène, and then Lois.