Thank you, Mr. Chair and honourable members.
I'm pleased to provide you with an overview of Canada's development response to Ukraine. Last year's revolution was about Ukrainians' desire to live in a prosperous, democratic, independent European country. While there is a long way to go, a new generation of young reformers in government, parliament, and a re-energized civil society are making real progress.
As announced by Prime Minister Harper, Canada has expedited and prioritized new development assistance programming to support Ukraine, more than doubling the development assistance budget over traditional levels. As my colleagues have indicated, since January 2014 Canada has announced more than $578 million in funding. Of this, $139 million is for increased bilateral development assistance.
Development assistance is focused in two areas: democracy and rule of law, and sustainable economic growth. To support democracy, since January 2014 Canada has announced over $43 million to advance democracy and rule-of-law projects delivered through trusted partners. Canada sent observers to ensure free and fair elections. Canadian technical assistance improves elections regulations, trains elections officials, and raises awareness of voters' rights. The year 2014 saw two national elections, and Canada played a leadership role in coordinating international assistance and election monitoring. In 2015 our partners will continue to work for longer-term change to Ukraine's democratic culture through training political parties to better respond to citizens' issues and developing mechanisms for public engagement.
As Ukraine begins to decentralize, the upcoming local elections in October 2015 will be another important step forward in its democratic transition. We also continue to support efforts for an independent free media and a strong civil society. Effective decentralization of resources and authority will place greater demands on Ukraine's local governments. Canada has shared its strong municipal management expertise with Ukrainian cities for several years. We have supported Ukrainian cities and regional administrations in economic planning and in actively and effectively engaging with citizens.
Ukraine's 2015 budget has increased funding for local governments and includes plans for constitutional reform to entrench decentralization. Ukraine can draw on the experiences of neighbouring countries that have undergone decentralization. Canada is bringing both Canadian and regional experiences, including Polish experience, to assist local governments in managing new functions and to ensure oversight and accountability.
A key demand of the Maidan protestors was an end to impunity and injustice. Canada has committed to assisting Ukraine to strengthen rule of law, and we are a lead partner in judicial reform. Canadian assistance is promoting judicial independence, increasing access to quality legal assistance for democracy activists and citizens, and training judges in European human rights law.
With respect to economic stabilization and growth, as you know, the Ukrainian economy has been destabilized. Canada has helped with $400 million in low-interest loans. Since 2014 Canada has also announced over $97 million to support sustainable economic growth. This includes $20.9 million in IMF technical assistance to implement modern, sustainable financial management practices and to get the economy back on the right footing.
Canadian advisers have been deployed to assist the Ministry of Finance, the presidential administration, the national bank, the national anti-corruption bureau, and the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade in matters such as internal restructuring, economic policies, fighting corruption, and results-based management.
In addition to institutional reform, modernization of Ukrainian businesses is also needed for Ukraine to become competitive. Canada continues to work to support SME growth in Ukraine, particularly in the agricultural sector where there's strong potential for business growth to benefit millions of poor Ukrainians in rural areas, including southern and eastern regions. Since the beginning of 2014, Canada has announced over $55 million in new projects to support small and medium-sized farms, particularly in the grain, dairy, and market vegetable sectors.
Participating in the promotion of energy independence continues to be a Ukrainian priority. DFATD and Natural Resources Canada are actively exploring opportunities for Canada to share its expertise in natural resources governance and development. Canadian technical assistance has helped Ukraine develop an energy contingency plan and is helping the Ministry of Finance to develop a new gas royalties regime. In order to respond to the most immediate needs of people directly affected by the conflict, Canada has also provided $3 million in humanitarian assistance.
In summary, Canada remains supportive of Ukraine's reform efforts and is responsive to Ukraine's immediate needs caused by the conflict in eastern Ukraine.
We continue to work with experienced partners to produce development results across all regions of the country. Looking forward, on April 28 in Kiev Canada will participate in an international donor conference on Ukraine, hosted by the Ukrainian government. This is an opportunity for Canada and international donors to hear how Ukraine has progressed on reforms and on its forward priorities.
Thank you for the opportunity to share with you the significant support Canada is providing to Ukraine as it advances its reform and economic-growth agendas. I would be pleased to take any questions.