In Uganda we have a program that we've been working in to do birth registration with SMS—“dumb phones”, as we say. That's one of the ways you can get out to the rural areas. You need a community health worker—you need that structure there—but you're using the phone, and it goes into a central repository. It's already electronic, which is good, because I was in the house of records at the central hospital in Kampala, and it was not a house of records; it was a bunch of paper. So this is a way to get it in all ready.
As to its importance, I first learned of the importance when I was working in a refugee camp on the border of Zambia and Angola. This was awhile ago, when the war was still on in Angola. People had fled across Angola for about three weeks. One morning I was working at the reception centre. Women were dressed in rags, and their children were dressed in rags, and out of those rags one mother pulled a little bag with her child's birth certificate in it. She hadn't been able to protect anything else, but she had kept that piece of paper, because it gave the access to so many things, and that's so key for protection.