I think there is language in the post-2015 sustainable development goals that does address young people, adolescents.
What I was pointing out is that the language is disproportionate in terms of what is there for young girls as opposed to young boys; boys seem to have an education target and girls have more than one.
First, I think it's a bit late now to be...and there has been a very involved process. With all due respect to everybody who's been engaged, this has been, as I said, very inclusive. Perhaps one of the reasons we have these 160 plus indicators, which we have to bring down to 100, is that everyone wants their favourite indicators in there.
Be that as it may, I think the proof of the pudding will be in the implementation of these sustainable development goals. After we have reached a consensus this year, the big challenge I see will be working with countries to make sure that they are as engaged in this process as they were with the millennium goals, particularly millennium goals IV and V.
One big concern that I have, and I indirectly expressed it in today's conversation, is that we don't want to lose sight of our goals and declare premature victory in the maternal and child mortality scenario. We still have 6 million children dying every year. We still have close to 280,000 women dying around childbirth and in childbirth every year. That's a huge global challenge. In the quest for new indicators and new targets we shouldn't lose sight of that core function.
I think what will happen, and what should happen—and this is where Canadian leadership is so important because of Muskoka ll and the fact that, as a society, we have very strong feelings on this—is that as we move forward next year we must ensure that we don't throw the baby out with the bath water; that we have our four health indicators; that we open the door to integrating some of the other indicators for social determinants of health, including education, empowerment, gender empowerment in particular, and particularly things that relate to a safe environment, which is so important moving forward; and that we bring them closer to the health indicators, which is the third millennium development goal.
I think this will happen, but what we require is concerted pressure until September and then even more pressure beyond that for their adoption by countries.