Experts in analysis on a global scale, like Hervé, will be able to corroborate my remarks. As I said earlier, Cameroon can be used as an example, given its location, its level of development and its ability to respond to any subsidies offered. Those figures are easily transposed to other countries in the region, in terms of the proportion of the population receiving prevention measures like treated mosquito nets or hospital treatment for malaria. Just now, I mentioned that, of every 100 patients in hospital, 40 are there for malaria. Half of the Cameroonians going to medical appointments are doing so for malaria.
That is not all. I am a pharmacist in a privately managed dispensary. Like many other countries, Cameroon has no universal health insurance. Everyone looks after themselves and pays for treatment out of their pockets when they see a doctor or buy medications. Since the people are poor, they do not go to a doctor very often, they go directly to a pharmacist. That is not accounted for as a medical consultation. So we can say that well over half the population is suffering from malaria. In our countries, this is a major, high-priority, overriding public health problem.