Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Ms. Brown, thank you for your question, which is a very important one for Cameroon.
For ten years or so now, Cameroon has been putting a lot of effort into organizing a structured dialogue between the public and private sectors. We now have the Cameroon Business Forum, which meets twice a year. This forum brings together public and private partners to reflect on the common actions they can take to move the most important national initiatives forward. This is very new for Cameroon and it is working very well. There is a new vision on the part of the authorities that puts together transversely what the public and private sectors can do together to solve certain problems.
Globally, of course, we are all using a strategy of economic liberalization where the state is progressively less involved. In Africa, the state is taking a little more time to disengage, but the system is underway. Private-sector participation in major public policy decisions is now positive and anchored in Cameroon's governance strategy.