Yes, I did, Mr. Chair.
I'm the vice-chair of the Parliamentary Friends of Tibet. The foreign minister from Tibet is going to be here in Ottawa in various meetings on Parliament Hill on February 16, which is the scheduled date of our next committee.
I know this is moving rather quickly, and the chair may be able to tell me whether this requires a simple majority or unanimous consent to move forward on, but I think it would be very worthwhile if the committee were to take advantage of the opportunity and try to schedule a visit to this committee by the minister from the Tibetan government in exile. It would give us an opportunity to ask some important questions about that government and about the upcoming election in March for the Tibetan government in exile. It would also give us an opportunity to explore some broader questions about human rights issues in the region.
As much as it might be nice to have a bit more time to fit this into a broader study, because the minister is going to be here on February 16, we probably need to decide today if we're going to do it or not in order to make it happen.