Thank you also.
Very clearly, the main foreign policy priority of the Republic of Moldova is to join and become a member of the European Union.
Second, I don't think we have to speak about any EU enlargement fatigue, because we have positive developments between the European Union and the western Balkans. We see that very clear signals are being sent from Brussels and all the EU member states to the western Balkans providing a clear integration perspective for them with deadlines and timelines.
For the Republic of Moldova, I would be diplomatic and not reply to your question too concretely because, of course, I am clearly pro-western and pro-European. I wish my country had joined yesterday, as we say, but we're not yet prepared. We have to prepare the country internally with reforms, democracy, and implement the association agreement with the European Union, which is a road map for preparing Moldova to become eligible. I would like to say this in reply to you, though. As a country that has an association agreement, a free trade agreement, and a visa-free agreement, we would like to request that a clear perspective of European integration from the European Union be provided to Moldova, to Ukraine, and to Georgia. This is what I would like to obtain. We will fight to obtain this perspective, for the window to be open. Then we'll be able to climb into and enter the window.