That is noted for the record.
Colleagues, I think that concludes our opportunity to speak to both Deputy Minister Jean and Deputy Minister Boehm and his colleagues.
I want to thank you very much for your great presentations and answers to the questions. As you know, we will be calling you back for the supplementary estimates. We very much appreciate all your hard work.
Mr. Jean, good luck with your new position. Thank you very much.
Colleagues, we'll just take a couple of seconds to let our witnesses go, and then I have one report I'd like us to move and we'll be finished.
We have the third report of the Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development. It relates to the subcommittee meeting on May 3. First is the list of priority witnesses and alternates outlined in the document prepared by the analyst for the committee's study on the countries of focus for Canada's bilateral development assistance. That needs to be agreed to.
Second, the news release for the study on the countries of focus for Canada's bilateral development assistance needs to be agreed to.
Third, the background information document prepared by the analyst for witnesses, who will appear in relation to the study on the countries of focus for Canada's bilateral development assistance, needs to be agreed to.
Fourth and finally, draft instructions for the report on women, peace, and security need to be discussed by the committee on May 10, 2016.
This is respectfully submitted, and I would like someone to move it and we'll approve it.
Mr. Kent.