Thank you so much. That's a very, very important question.
In order to maintain asylum space and protection for the refugees, we need to consider the host communities and the countries that continue to host this population. As the UNHCR and the international community, we are very grateful to these countries for the patience and support they have given to the refugee community, and not only Somalis. As we speak today, we have South Sudanese refugees and refugees from Eritrea, from Ethiopia, from Congo and from the DRC. We have refugees from a mix of all those neighbouring countries.
The reality is that these countries produce refugees, but they also host refugees. We want to really thank them. The great impact on the environment, on water and on the social fabric is massive. In the spirit of global responsibility sharing, we as the UNHCR wish to advocate for support to be given to the host countries, with the resources required. We are asking the host countries to continue to provide more support to refugees, including having refugees in their national plans and their national activities and programs, all of which demand more resources, be it for environmental conservation, for education or for infrastructure and road networks that have suffered over the years as a result of support given to refugees.
We are advocating very strongly for support to host countries and host communities, in order to maintain asylum and also to avoid tension between the host communities and the refugees, so that they become allies and friends.